AC Repair

Spend any time in a building where you don’t have access to an air conditioning system during a scorching period and you’ll surely appreciate just how important these installations are. Air conditioning systems come in many different forms and sizes, both in residential and commercial properties, so a repair service needs to have a broad knowledge base and service record to be able to provide consistently excellent service. At HVAC Schaumburg, that’s exactly what we do. Our HVAC repair service technicians are highly decorated and talented individuals, and we know that they’ll be able to get your air conditioning system back on track as soon as possible. Below, we can run through some of the typical issues that we deal with on a day to day basis. If you’re not sure whether or not we’ll be able to handle your repair request, you can always reach out to our customer service agents for clarity.

Inspections and Evaluations

Before we begin any of the physical repair work that’ll be needed to restore functionality to your air conditioning system, we’ll need to carry out an exhaustive inspection of the installation to uncover any issues that might be present – as well as the reasons that these issues might be coming to light. Only once we’ve evaluated your air conditioning system will we proceed, which eliminates the chance of us missing anything going wrong.

System Down

One surefire sign that you have problems with your air conditioning setup is when the system won’t turn on. If your machine seems to have access to power – something that can be determined by the functionality of other machines or installations – then there’s surely an internal problem that needs to be addressed. Typical underlying reasons include faulty circuit breakers, broken fuses, and dilapidated wiring – though there are other concerns to think about too. Repair procedures can vary considerably here, so you’ll assuredly need a professional to get your system back up and running.

Warm Air

You need your air conditioning system to blow out cold air to help you overcome the uncomfortably warm temperatures that you’re currently dealing with, but if the system is failing to cool down the air before blowing it out, it loses all utility and value. Our HVAC repair technicians can make sure that the cooling action that should be taking place continues to function as expected. Whether you have a problem with the refrigerant, the temperature gauge, the filters, or something else altogether, we’ll do everything we can to overcome it.

Leaking Issues

Another major problem for some air conditioning systems is when they begin to leak. There’s always moisture present with air conditioning systems – they rely on it to function – but that doesn’t mean leaking is acceptable. If you want to protect your property from water damage, mold and mildew, and various structural issues, you need to take even the smallest leaks seriously. Our AC repair service will be able to diagnose what’s going on before taking action to restore proper functionality.

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